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Jefferson County, Florida, Democratic Party & Democratic Executive Committee
From the Florida Dept of State Website: "In December, 1827, the county seat received the name Monticello in honor of Thomas Jefferson's famous Virginia home. Jefferson County provided many of territorial Florida's most prominent leaders, including representatives to Congress and the Legislative Council, territorial judges, and the state's first elected governor, William D. Moseley. Jefferson County citizens were instrumental in establishing the Democratic party in Florida and in attaining statehood in 1845."
Democratic Executive Committee Members and By-Laws
The Jefferson County Democratic Party is composed of all persons who register as Democrats with the Jefferson County Supervisor of Elections. The Jefferson County Democratic Party is part of the Florida Democratic Party. The Charter and By-Laws of the Florida Democratic Party are available at https://nmcdn.io/e186d21f8c7946a19faed23c3da2f0da/b1b96861a2534eba8191fd2315c6a596/files/FDP-BYLAWS---06-09-2019.pdf
The Jefferson County Democratic Executive Committee is composed of up to two members for each of the 15 voter precincts in Jefferson County, one male and one female representative per precinct, plus up to three additional "at-large" members. Precinct representatives are either elected by the Democrats of their precinct during regular elections of candidates for political office, or, in the absence of competition, appointed by vote of the Democratic Executive Committee members, after expressing an interest in serving.
The Democratic Executive Committee then elects a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, State Committeewoman and State Committeeman. DEC meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month, 6 to 7 pm, at the Jefferson County Public Library, 375 S. Water Street, Monticello. Click here for the current agenda.
No payment is offered or made for registering as a Democrat, or for serving as a member or officer of the Jefferson County Democratic Executive Committee. Membership and activity are voluntary, and based on commitment to service.
The responsibilities and procedures of the Democratic Executive Committee are set forth in its BY-LAWS.
Donate to support the activities of the Jefferson County Democratic Party

2024 Members and Officers of the Jefferson County DEC:
Chair, Gladys Roann Watson
Vice Chair, Russ Rothman
Secretary, Jacki Seabrooks
Treasurer, Jeanette Woodson
State Committeewoman, Julie Conley
State Committeeman, Franklin Brooks
Precinct 1, Ann Herring
Precinct 1, Male vacancy
Precinct 2, Julie Conley
Precinct 2, Male Vacancy
Precinct 3, Jeanette Woodson
Precinct 3, Male vacancy
Precinct 4, Gladys Roann Watson
Precinct 4, Franklin Brooks
Precinct 5, Pat Cichon
Precinct 5, Ron Cichon
Precinct 6, Female Vacancy
Precinct 6, Male Vacancy
Precinct 7, Female Vacancy
Precinct 7, Male Vacancy
Precinct 8, Pat Inmon
Precinct 8, Male Vacancy
Precinct 9, Marilyn Halsey
Precinct 9, Male Vacancy
Precinct 10, Mae Eva Kyler
Precinct 10, Male Vacancy
Precinct 11, Russ Rothman
Precinct 11, Kathy Rothman
Precincts 12, 13, 14,15 and 16, Vacant
At-large members, Jacki Seabrooks, Martha Creel, Evy Friend